Kindernay Blog

What type of chain should I use with the Kindernay GEAR hub?

Written by Kindernay | 25 November 2020

This is a question that we receive quite frequently. The answer is simple: you can use pretty much any chain you want, as long as it is of the 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 speed type. Why not a wide, heavy duty chain of the single speed type, you might ask? 


Why not a wide, heavy duty chain of the single speed type, you might ask? 


We suggest that you run a 10 speed or 11 speed chain. They usually weigh less than the other chains, and interestingly enough, many 10 and 11 speed speed chains are significantly more durable than for example 8 speed and 9 speed chains, due to better materials and build quality.