- 25 November 2020
- Kindernay XIV
What type of chain should I use with the Kindernay GEAR hub?
This is a question that we receive quite frequently. The answer is simple: you can use pretty much any chain you want, as long as it is of the 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 speed type. Why not a wide, heavy duty chain of the single speed type, you might ask?
Why not a wide, heavy duty chain of the single speed type, you might ask?
We suggest that you run a 10 speed or 11 speed chain. They usually weigh less than the other chains, and interestingly enough, many 10 and 11 speed speed chains are significantly more durable than for example 8 speed and 9 speed chains, due to better materials and build quality.
Here’s why: on the Kindernay XIV, the hydraulic actuator is placed on the inside of the chainstay. This means that there is limited clearance on the outside of the drive cog, and we have seen that some, wide, single speed chains will rub on the alloy body of the actuator. We suggest that you run a 10 speed or 11 speed chain. They usually weigh less than the other chains, and interestingly enough, many 10 and 11 speed speed chains are significantly more durable than for example 8 speed and 9 speed chains, due to better materials and build quality.
Why no 12 speed chains on the list? While many of them will work, we find that the 10 speed and 11 speed ones run smoother on the 2.3mm wide drive cog that we use on the Kindernay XIV.
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