- 3 February 2021
Let’s admit it, 2020 was tough. By being advised to stay home for the past 10 months, many of us have missed the opportunity to catch rays of sunshine, breathe in the fresh air, and allow ourselves to fully de-energize. From stressful video meetings on Zoom and Teams to overcrowded public transport, a moment of normality is deeply sought.
Luckily, there is a solution to our sorrows, that is not just Covid-friendly and life-energizing, but especially environment-friendly! Because after all this time, both nature and we deserve a break.
We have gathered six convincing reasons why your bike will be your perfect companion to break-through the winter blues.
Who doesn’t long for a health boost? Physical activity has become increasingly more important and while all those YouTube home workouts are a great way to get off your office chair, they still make you stay in your apartment and miss out on some fresh air.
Bikes are not just an extremely practical workout; they also allow you to train all major muscle groups and improve your overall cardiovascular fitness.
A Danish study concluded that “Riding your bicycle regularly is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of health problems”. In their study with a time span of 14 years, more than 30,000 people aged 20-93 avoided a potential heart disease because of frequent cycling activities. Now that’s what you can call an efficient improvement of health and well-being!
With news articles unloading unfavorable energy on us day after day, our mental capacity is severely challenged to remain positive and sharp. The long and dark winter months clearly do also not aid in jolting positivity. Getting your physical activity by riding a bike is therefore the perfect choice to detach from all the negativity and to regain mental strength.
Physical exercise boosts your level of the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin, which ultimately impacts every part of your body, ranging from emotions to motor skills. By engaging in regular physical workouts by riding your bike, you will not just start to feel happier and calmer, but also more focused and emotionally stable for the next tasks to follow!
Your winter bike is the perfect companion - for the commute to work or weekend activity
The Fridays for Future demonstrations have shown us the necessity of answering the calls of climate change and global warming. While at times it may appear difficult to find an own voice in how to actively help the environment, bicycling is extremely helpful in reducing your environmental footprint.
Bicycle-riding emits minimal fossil fuels and allows you to transport fully pollution-free. Driving a car daily can emit around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide for every gallon of gas – so by opting for your bike instead of your car, you are clearly helping mother nature regain its beauty and health.
Although bicycling will not make you a millionaire overnight, riding your bike instead of driving your car has translated into several economic benefits that are worth mentioning. Buying and maintaining a bike is about 1% of the cost of buying and maintain a car – lower stress and hassle included!
Commuting with your bicycle to work 10km each way will save an astonishing figure of 1,700$ per year in transport costs.
Furthermore, by using your bike as the choice of physical activity, you can save on expensive gym memberships and ultimately potential doctor visits, as your health improves with the regular exercise.
Imagine a world where you would not be stuck in traffic, where you would arrive to work in a great mood and would actually enjoy the commute to your office. Oh, wait – that’s all possible! Using your bike as the commute choice does not just help you in getting your daily physical activity, it is also extremely convenient.
Riding a bike is much more predictable than opting for a motor vehicle as traffic is seldomly a concern, thus saving you loads of time for your everyday commute. It allows for a door-to-door service that avoids not just rush-hour and traffic jams, but also the super-annoying hunt for the closest parking spot.
Do you remember why you started to bike when you were a kid? That’s right, because it made you feel free and was simple fun. And cycling still is! It allows for discovering small adventures every day and reconnecting with your surroundings. Winter sceneries are beautiful and riding your bike through them will give you a new appreciation of life.
Also, you’ll never ride alone! Cycling can be a very social activity that reconnects you with your community and friends – all while keeping a healthy distance.
We know that winters often have a very persuading call to stay in bed and binge-watch your favorite show and that the pre-heated car is not something to abstain from. But all of the mentioned benefits demonstrate that getting on your bike this winter, even just for a few hours in a week, is definitely worth considering. But please be warned – once you have jumped on your bike, you may feel so confident and happy, that it may be extremely difficult to get off it.
9 March 2021
25 November 2020
25 March 2021
31 March 2021
“A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke”
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